First Aid for Choking

First Aid for Choking – Much like the defibrillator replaced manual CPR, the Dechoker is poised to affordably replace back slaps and abdominal thrusts.

Affordable, Effective First Aid For Choking Emergencies – The Dechoker 

First Aid for Choking

Thousands of otherwise healthy U.S. adults and children choke to death every year. More than a dozen a day. Every couple hours.

First Aid for Choking – The Dechoker

A thorough review of the current treatments for choking showed that while the Heimlich maneuver has very likely saved many lives, there is a missing link between the initial intervention of the abdominal thrusts and the subsequent arrival and application of advanced care.

Similar to how the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) now provides an immediate option for advanced therapy for heart attacks, we believe that the dechoker device could also provide an added layer of care in a choking emergency.

Additionally, the literature establishes that injuries sustained from the abdominal maneuvers or chest compressions are likely due to their repeated application after initial attempts have failed. The incorporation of a simple suction device into the choking emergency action plan could possibly alleviate injuries in these cases.

Furthermore, as obesity continues to become a problem in the U.S. and worldwide, the ability for a first responder to wrap their arms around a person in distress may be limited and the effectiveness of compressions on an obese person while lying down is also diminished. Safety of the first responder must also be taken into consideration as a simple suction device allows for a more manageable amount of physical exertion required.

Special populations, where the  Heimlich maneuver would be difficult or impossible, can also benefit from the dechoking device (the obese, pregnant women, small children and toddlers, the extremely frail, those that are bedridden, those with back problems, etc.).

Affordable, Effective First Aid For Choking Emergencies

First Aid For Choking - Dechoker

We’ve seen it in movies, when abdominal thrusts and back slaps fail to dislodge an airway obstruction, an emergency tracheotomy must be quickly performed. Typically, someone asks for a pen.


There is a better way.

First Aid Choking Assist For Children - Dechoker DeviceThe Dechoker device quickly applies negative pressure to the airway to suck out whatever debris or fluid that is blocking their breathing.

You simply place the face mask over the mouth of the choking person and pull quickly on the tab in the back. The vacuum the Dechoker motivates the lodged item to move toward the device. It can be used by small people on large ones, large people on small or frail ones, or even by struggling choking victim on themselves.

The best part is there is no way for anyone to accidently push the debris farther down, because it employs a one-way valve. And it’s easy and simple to use with no certification classes to attend.

the dechoker for preschoolers - choking first aidRegistered with the FDA a a medical device, the Dechoker is available for purchase by anyone, and is a first-aid kit essential.

There are also millions of individuals with special medical conditions that increase the risk of choking, such as those suffering from asthma, dysphagia, swallowing disorders, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, cerebral palsy, etc.

The Dechoker device helps complement the Heimlich maneuver, which can not be effective on many occasions, either because of lack of specialized personnel or because of intrinsic limitations to those affected, especially pregnant women, the elderly, obese people and small children/toddlers. 

It’s easy to use, affordable and effective.

The Dechoker comes in 3 sizes, Toddler, Child and Adult.

See all the Anti-Choking Devices and Accessories

For Bulk Agency Orders, Contact Global-Tec Enterprises, Inc 


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